Web Application Firewall
Best Security Solutions with Web Application Firewall
Our security solution ensures your website is protected from harmful cyber threats
Enhance your website security with our solution
Innovation driven by open-source technology without vendor lock-in and extensive platform integration (hardware, virtual, bare metal, and cloud).
Cost-effective solutions with no product and service limitations, suitable for medium-sized organizations and large enterprises.
The operating system is fully optimized for networking. As a result, it can operate at layer 7 with more than 140 thousand concurrent users and at layer 4 with more than 10 million concurrent users with only 2 dedicated cores.
Provides an integrated IPDS security system with a real-time black hole list, DoS protection, and protection from the most common network attacks.
Infrastructure solutions with high-performance
Provides Gold’s Gym with high performance infrastructure that was in line with their network topology. We also optimized their infrastructure needs and allowed Golds Gym to reduce their cost during the course of the pandemic
Communication efficiency solutions between teams
Provides Angkasa Pura solusi (APS) with Private Email Collaboration and Private Cloud Drive that helped them to increase team work productivity. Also providing them with anti-spam features and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to protect sensitive data.
The right operational cost efficiency solution
By using Eranya cloud drive, PT Arkelindo Bara Sejahtera can now easily access and centralize its business data. This solution allows companies to increase their operational efficiency as they do not need to build their own storage infrastructure. Thanks to Secure Socket Layer (SSL) service that continuously protect their data on the internet.
High-level website security solutions
Eranyacloud helps and strengthens the security of Sharp – Cocorolife ecommerce applications by using Eranya WAF services. The best choice in Load Balanced services to Transform e-commerce world with advanced features and competitive prices
Scalable storage solutions
Eranyacloud provides Rh Petrogas Basin Ltd. with high active-active workload for their Email System, managing services include virtualization, storage, Email System and Disaster Recovery for their critical application
Complex solutions to the management of infrastructure management
Danone have deployed their virtual machines using Eranyacloud’s high performance infrastructure. Additionally, we also manage and monitor their AWS infrastructure, opting for our advance managed service, we are able to assist Danone in monitoring their applications within the infrastructure.
Frequently asked questions
The license is calculated per year for Appliance-based.
There is Managed Services available, which can manage WAF from implementation, Security Policy Building, Traffic management, Daily operation, etc.
It's a single instance and can be customized for High Availability as per request, with additional licenses (2 licenses).
You can start from a small setup and scale as you grow according to your needs.
Yes, it can be integrated with SIEM (Splunk, Wazuh, Elastic, etc.).
Yes, there are JSON and REST APIs available.
Yes, there are updates in accordance with the database/findings from OWASP and CVE.
NGFW (Next Generation Firewall) has a Signature Pattern Matching system that can detect Zero-day attacks, with Signature matching according to the Technology Stack used in the protected Application, with very low false positives.
Yes, it includes DDOS Layer 7 protection.
L7 Attacks like SQL Injection, OS command injection, XSS, Directory traversal, illegal encoding, Buffer overflow, Bot detection, DDoS L7, Session injection, etc. are detected.
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